This is my Blog page, aka ‘some musings from my brain’

I wish I had time to add more stuff on here, but for now it is what it is.

At what cost?

As I write, Partygate etc still rumbles on to decide whether or not all the FACTS we know that PROVE the big oaf was lying, actually prove that he was lying. Which we know he was, cos we were following the rules, which were really clear. We all understood them. Cos we are not stupid,…

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A river runs through it

The River Colne runs through my garden, and it’s a very pleasant place to exist. On New Years Day 2023 I decided to try and find the source of the river, which I have always understood to be somewhere near Saffron Walden As you can see from the main photo above, it is fairly wide…

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This is about strikes, and my opinion of them. The thing is, this is my website and I can do what I want with it. As I said on the homepage, I can say whatever I want cos it’s mine. Other viewpoints are available. There’s a post a while back about a worthless thief of…

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I made a table

Not the most exciting title in the world I grant you, but it’s what it is. For decades I’ve dreamed of having a long, grand dining table, fit for a king. Or at least a medieval banquet. I’m afraid I quiver at the price of such items, so imagine my joy when I came across…

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The advent of the Dadvent

December 2019 was conundrum time… It’s the 3rd of December and you’re meeting your Daughter the next day for dinner. You buy her an Advent Calendar every year, despite the fact that She’s now 27 years old. You go to 6 shops, and none of them have any left! What do you do? You make…

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Work, me, life

Whatever we choose to do to earn a crust, we do it because we have to. We need to live somewhere, sustain ourselves, and buy things. That’s a sweeping generalisation, but it’s true for most of us. But our work shouldn’t define us. Work isn’t who we are, it’s simply what we do. I ‘humanised’…

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