E: carl@carlscott.co.uk
T: 01449 710032
M: 07810371218

Feel free to get in touch if you have a genuine interest in anything I do. We can chat as formally or as informally as you wish.
I get enough spammy gubbins as it is from trawlers of the interweb, so please don’t contact me if you’re trying to sell me something. Even if you genuinely believe that it’ll transform my life. It won’t. I don’t want one of whatever it is you think I need. I had one once, and it was rubbish. If I want another one, ever, I will find one.
Oh, and if you do contact me trying to sell me crap I don’t want, please don’t use the old 80’s opener of “How are you today”, because I will unleash a whole world of hurt down the phone. The 80’s was great, don’t get me wrong. They gave us the ZX Spectrum and Blackadder. But they also gave us your telemarketing script and for that I will be ever vengeful.
If you do try that tactic, this is generally who you will get:

You’ve been warned.