I think on the whole, Social media is a good thing. I’ve used it massively to my advantage to build my brands and my business, but I don’t use it so much personally. The trouble is, it gives everyone a voice, for better or for worse. Often worse.
My style that has organically grown somehow, is to use my (some might say) unique brand of humour on Facebook, whilst occasionally getting my point across about corruption in politics and stuff. I can do that, as it is my own little bit of Faceache and if I think something is morally wrong and divisive to the world we all live in, then I kinda say it.
I don’t do it on Insta though, I try to mostly just post pretty pictures. I think some of my Bookface content goes automatically to Twatter, but if Elon Rusk has anything to do with it, that’ll be bust soon (at the time of typing, March 2023).
So… each and every person reading what I write can simply not read it. They can all do that. I don’t actually force anyone to read my gubbins. It’s a choice thing. 🤷
Oh man, you wanna see the messages I get from trolls sometimes though! There are some very interesting people out there.
I did a (humourous?) post at my own expense (don’t like to take myself too seriously) whilst commenting on ONE thing. Double standards within the British Broadcasting Corporation. If you are reading this in the future, or seeing it on Dave, then it was the time that Gary Lineker got taken off Match Of The Day for giving his opinion on his personal Twatter account as the government’s position on trying to stop small boats crossing.
The Beeb pulled him out of last night’s MOTD and his associates all pulled out in solidarity, and as I type we have no idea where it’ll end up. I hope he ends up on Amazon Prime alongside Clarkson, May and Hammond. That’d be funny.
In case ya missed it, this was my post…

I’m working for the BBC tonight!!!
In a viewing figures move as bold as the day they sacked Clarkson, the Beeb have decided to take Gary Lineker off Match Of The Day tonight.
A BBC spokeshuman said that they have done it for him, “erm, not breaking any contractual obligations whatsoever”. And in solidarity with Salt ’n’ Vinegar Gary, all his mates have said “Nah, shove it”. Oops.
So the BBC are going to adopt the same tactic as when I was at school and a teacher didn’t rock up, they’re going to put a video on for the kids to watch! Seriously! They’re just gonna play football tapes on prime Saturday night telly! Way to go!
So to clarify then, it’s ok for the actual boss of the BBC to be as dodgy as our former PM with whom he does completely immoral and corrupt side hustles, but Cheese & Onion Gazza can’t give his thoughts on a situation affecting thousands of desperate fellow humans? Which was in no contravention of his actual contract whatsoever? So basically that embarasses them, but their boss being tight with Joris Bohnson doesn’t?
Hmmmmm, alrighty then.
Let me be clear (oh my god, I’m even starting to sound like a politician!!!) I am not commenting on the situation regarding boat crossings, I am merely scratching my head once more over double standards, ethics, morals, lies, corruption, backhanders, that kinda thing. You know, the stuff that affects us all and the running of our country.
Anyhoodles, the BBC are clearly very stupid, as well as rancid.
However, all that aside, and this feels awkward now, they’ve asked me to present Match Of The Day tonight instead!
At first I said no way Josie, but then they upped the offer from £25 to £35 and a pizza, plus they’ve said I can have the Woodfarm logo on air with me. It was a no brainer as money talks ya know? And it’ll be good advertising for my day job.
Not sure how long I’ll be on air when I start talking about Joris and the chairman though
As you can see, the BBC have even let me keep one of Gary’s ears, which is nice of them.
See you tonight folks!
OK, end of post, back to the here and now….
I was not lauding Mr Lineker as a saint, I was not trying to tell the BBC how to schedule programmes, and nor was I telling the government how to deal with the small boat boat crisis. I was just pointing out the furore surrounding a bloke on a sports programme, who wasn’t in breach of his contract, vs the escape by the Tory donating Chairman who was given his job by the then Prime Minister. I’d say that’s a little more vested in politics than Gaz.
That is simple double standards. Fact. End of. And pungent political gain obvs. That was my ONLY point. Goose and gander stuff.
99.5% of the audience agreed as is usually the case. They thought it was funny, joined in, and most of all got it. They understood. Because they are not stupid.
0.5% of the peoples didn’t. Because they are stupid.
As always with the trolls I have a look at their Bookface profile before deleting them. Let’s just say they are a ‘type’ shall we? I’ll leave it there. Actually nah, I’ll say it. They are usually quite thick, racist and Brexiteers. Fact. Not always, but usually.
The pic you see below is part of a screenshot from one conversation I had yesterday. As you can see, it makes for interesting, if not particularly coherent reading. The gist here I think, is that this person thought that I was a trainee answering their messages as I said I had no idea what they were talking about. Either way, I think they got the wrong end of the stick. I don’t think they even knew there was a stick. They did seem to get a little hot under the collar. I’ve redacted any evidence of their identity out of respect.
Enjoy and wonder at our species. All human life exists here…

What on earth was the first bit about? Car parking in Stowmarket? I love it when he or she (I know which) gets all Trumpian and started SHOUTING IN CAPITALS!!!! GOD SAVE OUR KING no less?!?!?! Wow. And I appear to have wasted their PENNIES!
Anyway, my question right at the start was “why is social media full of mentalists”? – maybe it’s because Gary Lineker is a “FACIAST” and I am an “IDIOt”? I will work on “CHAMGING”.